Recurrent respiratory infection

Recurrent respiratory infection’s in children and adults have all been helped by Homeopathy.

Acute bronchitis is usually caused by a viral infection and goes away on its own in a few weeks.

Most people have their healthy immune system kicking in.

   Symptoms of both acute and chronic bronchitis include breathing problems, such as:

  • Chest congestion, when your chest feels full or clogged

  • A cough that may bring up mucous that’s clear, white, yellow, or green

  • Shortness of breath

  • Wheezing or a whistling sound when you breath

  • Body aches and chills

  • Feeling “wiped out,” or extremely tired

  • Low fever

  • Runny, stuffy nose

  • Sore throat

Even after the other symptoms of acute bronchitis are gone, the cough can last a few weeks while your bronchial tubes heal and the swelling goes down. If it goes on much longer than that, the problem might be chronic respiratory infection.

The same symptoms, but the duration varies greatly.

I have found great success with homeopathy and respiratory infections, including recurring respiratory infections.

Homeopathically, there can be many remedies to fix these symptoms.

The continual use of corticosteriod’s can have a detrimental effect on your body as well. Steroids stop your flight or fight response in the body, and create a parasympathetic response only. 

Steroids also stop the stress response, that is needed in the body, to stop the continual cough or shortness of breath, so in emergency this is very helpful, in the long run this does not fix the bodies problem.

The alternative, is approved in many public health systems, that let in alternative therapies, one day most alternative therapists will welcome a change in the health system that lets us stop the disease before it has a chance to become a chronic condition in the body.

 My treatment takes an hour to an hour and a half depending on whether the treatment is naturopathy or Homeopathy.

 The difference between the two, is homeopathy can change the non alignment to alignment in the body thereby eliminating the acute or chronic response.

This is an auric change, so thereby changing the body from the core.

 The diet, Herbs, supplements, iridology can find the problem and right the situation. This is Naturopathy.

Both are wonderful healing tools. Both can take the body from chronic to acute to a true balance, infection free.

I charge the same for both, as they both take an hour. Sometimes there is a lot of searching in my books for the correct remedy in homeopathy, so this can take one and a half hour. My advice, bring a book.

I am registered with the Australian Natural Therapist Association, This is acceptable to any health fund that accepts Naturopathy.

Soothe Your Body & Spirit

Christine’sNatural Therapies


Oceanic drive Mermaid Waters
Gold Coast

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